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Julieanna's Story

As we prepare for the 6th Annual Northwest Indiana Climb Out of the Darkness, we will be sharing some very special stories from mothers who have been through a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder. Today, we have the honor of sharing Julieanna's Story. Julieanna shares about her experience and struggles as a new mom and the support she found along the way. If you are struggling and in need of support, please reach out today by texting 219-742-4149 and we will connect you with the resources you need.

"Hello, my name is Julieanna Pomian and I am a mother of two beautiful girls. My journey with postpartum depression and anxiety began before the birth of my first daughter Elizabeth. We had a perfect pregnancy up through

about 32 weeks and then my blood pressure began to climb at each appointment. At my 32nd week appointment my doctor began to ask me to come in twice a week and limit my activities at work. (Which being a music

educator to Kindergarten through 3rd Graders is a very hard task to do!) By my 33rd week, my blood pressure was borderline preeclampsia, and it was suggested that I do further testing within 24 hours and come back to the

office. 24 hours later my life changed forever. My test results were still borderline, however my blood pressure was not going down. I was sent to the Emergency Room at Community Hospital in Munster where I remained on bed

rest and an IV of Magnesium to prevent seizures. My anxiety was through the roof at this point as I had no control over what was happening to my body. Within a week, I was told that I had to have Elizabeth or I could risk severe complications to myself and her. At 34 weeks I was given the option to try labor and with 3 failed attempts at that I

was beginning to feel very depressed with myself, my body wasn’t cooperating, I was risking my child’s life, my own life, and didn’t know what to do! We ended up having an emergency C-Section at 35 weeks. However,

Elizabeth was born not breathing with her cord wrapped around her neck amongst other complications from the magnesium dosage I was placed on over the last week and a half. She spent 2 and 1⁄2 weeks in the NICU at

Community Hospital.

Now this may be a blessing in disguise as I think about it now, however at the time I was angry, deeply depressed, and irritated. My doctors could not get my BP down to a regulated level and I had to stay alongside Elizabeth

upstairs to recover as well. There were days I would stare out the window, cry, and refuse to see my baby. I didn’t understand what was happening to my body, my brain, my emotions, the demand of pumping for a NICU preemie,

and just a sense of overwhelming despair. My OB checked in on me frequently and decided to add to my medication some antidepressants to help with my feelings. Within about 5 days of taking the medication, I began

to feel better. I wanted to pump and feed my child, be near her and my family. We were both released from the hospital about 2 and 1⁄2 weeks after she was born.

The pregnancy and birth of my second daughter Natalie overall went very well. I was monitored more closely knowing the history and also my OB, doctor and I decided to keep me on antidepressants after Elizabeth’s birth

and throughout my pregnancy. However, after her birth my doctor and I noticed that Natalie wasn’t meeting some of her gross motor milestones and also some of her general milestones. Natalie has been diagnosed with

developmental delays, and hyperflexibility in her muscles (low muscle tone). As of now, she wears braces on her ankles and feet to help with walking and stability, received weekly physical therapy, and will soon have occupational


My depression and anxiety has been under control with the help of medication and my openness with my doctor about how I am feeling. Do I have my moments? Absolutely, but I am learning how to control them

through medication and support of groups like the NWI Center for Maternal Wellness. Had I not found this group of women who had similar stories such as mine, I would not have been able to have the strength to understand my

mental illness and get through being a mother. I encourage you all to keep in touch with each other, and continue to attend meetings as much as you are able. However, most of all I encourage you to know that YOU ARE NOT


All my love and support,

Julieanna Pomian"

We are so grateful for Julieanna for sharing her story with our community. If you or someone you know is in need of support, please reach out today. At the NWI Center for Maternal Wellness, we offer individual and group peer support and educational resources to mothers and families in need and we would love to walk alongside you on your journey to wellness.

We also would like to invite you to join us this Saturday at the 6th Annual Northwest Indiana Climb Out of the Darkness. The Climb is a free, family friendly event that supports the mental health of mothers and families. There will be refreshments, swag bags, kids activities and more. All funds raised at the Climb will be used to support Maternal Mental Health programs through the NWI Center for Maternal Wellness and Postpartum Support International. Find out more, sign up or donate here:

Thank you for your support!


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