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NWI Climb Out of the Darkness 2019

We made it to September! I find it hard to believe that we are already three weeks into the school year AND Fall is around the corner. The Summer got away from me (like usual) and I realized I never had the chance to share pictures from our Climb Out of the Darkness event!

On Saturday, June 22nd at Wicker Park in Highland, 56 mothers, fathers, grandparents, friends and children gathered for Northwest Indiana's 3rd Annual Climb Out of the Darkness. On this day, all around the world, families came together to "Climb Out of the Darkness", raising the awareness and decreasing the stigma of Postpartum Depression and other Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders.

At Wicker Park, we talked to old friends, made new friends, played on the playground, went on scavenger hunts, enjoyed yummy donuts and coffee and then walked three symbolic laps around the park. The first lap honored our past, the second lap honored our present and the third lap honored our future. We walked and talked, pushed strollers, ran after toddlers, told our stories and listened to the stories of others. At the Climb, we came along side each other, filling each other up with hope and encouragement for this journey called life.

I'm also very excited to announce that this year, we raised $2,000 to help support Maternal Mental Health programs, specifically The SHARE Journey Peer Support Program here in Northwest Indiana! Thank you for your support!

Enjoy these pictures of our Climb Out of the Darkness. We hope you and your family can join us next year!


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